Is it illegal to watch John Wick Chapter 4 online for free?

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Is it illegal to watch John Wick Chapter 4 online for free?

John Wick films have become famous for their amazing fight scenes and stunts, all of which are brought to life through the use of highly skilled stuntmen. But  watch John Wick 4  has continued to be raised among fans: Why aren't these performers acknowledged in major awards shows like the Oscars? Keanu Reeves and John Wick director Chad Stahelski have spoken out on the subject, and shed light on a conversation that is believed by many to need to be discussed in the spotlight.

Recognizing the Value

Reeves and Stahelski both believe that stunt performers deserve recognition at award shows like the Oscars and the Guild Awards and others. Although they both have their own award show, Reeves says that the best way to make it happen is to be loud and get more people to speak out in favor of acknowledging these performers.

The Expert's Take

As a former stunt performer and director, Stahelski is uniquely qualified to talk about the issue of recognizing stunt performers. He believes that the conversation needs to happen and that everyone can agree that stunts are one of the most important nine departments in the making of the film.  John Wick 4 full movie online  believes that stunts appear present in every trailer and are an entire department, making them a huge creative component of a film. However, he also acknowledges that there are complexities involved in the recognition of these performers, such as determining whether it is the stunt coordinator or fight coordinator who is awarded the prize, and whether it should be the person who creates the stunt or the performer who performs the stunt.

The Path to Follow

Despite the complexities, Stahelski believes that it is time for the conversation to begin. He has personally invited the Academy to speak to him or another representative in the world of stunts about establishing a category to recognize stunt artists. He believes that people who are smart from both the worlds of stunt and academy can come together and find the best way to recognize these talented performers.


The absence of recognition for stunt performers in major award shows like the Oscars is a discussion which needs to be addressed. Keanu Reeves, as well as John Wick director Chad Stahelski each believe that stunt artists need to be recognized, and Stahelski, as an acknowledged expert on the discipline has asked the Academy to engage in a debate about the best way to accomplish this. The complexity of the task makes it a tricky process however, by bringing intelligent individuals from both sides, it is possible to find a solution that recognizes the dedication and hard work of these skilled performers.